Practical Parenting

10 Tips for Effective Feeding

Watch out for those early feeding cues – get to know your baby’s feeding cues.

Seek early help with your method of feeding so that feeding becomes effective and enjoyable for both you and your baby.

Focus on your baby whilst feeding, do not be distracted. Make regular eye contacts with your baby.

If you are breastfeeding, bear in mind that babies can feed from anytime between 5 and 40 minutes, therefore allow your baby to come off the breast voluntarily.

Always offer the second breast, do not limit baby to just one breast. Offering the second breast will lead to your baby being satisfied, settled and content.

If you are bottlefeeding, keep a close eye on your baby so that you do not miss the ‘ I’ve had enough’ clue because if you do, this may lead to your baby overfeeding and subsequently being sick.

Limit the number of people who bottlefeed your baby. Others may have different techniques which may confuse your baby and make baby unsettled due to ineffective/in appropriate bottle feeding techniques.

Avoid vigorous movements after a feed to prevent reflux symptoms as your baby’s digestive system is still developing.

Ensure your baby has frequent wet and dirty nappies – Seek guidance/support from your health visitor.

Lastly, remember that feeding is also about building a relationship between you and your baby!